Certificate of Authenticity

Your Certificate of Authenticity (COA)

Alongside this, you'll receive your Studio Certificate of Authenticity should your great-grandchildren decide to pass it on.

It helps the auction house by establishing provenance, thereby increasing the value of your investment in years to come.

A Certificate of Authenticity (COA) is a document or label that verifies the authenticity or genuineness of a product, artwork, collectible or other item.

It provides evidence that the item is original piece of art and not a counterfeit or imitation.

A COA usually includes details such as the date of completion, the artists information and materials used (this can help with future conservation), and a description of the item.

The certificate may also include a signature, stamp or seal from a recognized authority to validate its authenticity.

COAs are often used to increase the value and legitimacy of an item, especially in the art and collectibles market.

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Certificate of Authenticity
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