Story behind High Wick Farm

High Wick Manor Farm, The Berkshires, USA by Mark Hilsden

Story behind High Wick Manor Farm, USA

An Intriguing Question?


The country was in its second Lockdown.

The art shop and studio were again closed to the public.

Upon opening my emails, I discovered one from America, which isn't that unusual.

Still, the question was: Could you do a portrait of a home in America? Asked the curator of art for Delta Airlines.

After doing some online research, I discovered an attractive historic 'cottage' close to Tanglewood in the Berkshires built in 1902. 


This portrait was based on a mixture of online images courtesy of Google. Pictures, including a 50-year-old drawing from the client and a great dollop of imagination.

The real challenge is that while photos have their uses as reference material, it is hard to develop a feel for the place.


Usually, a portrait works best with a site visit. 

As an artist, I develop an empathy for the building and understand its unique quirks. How it sits in the surrounding landscape, often using things that are not always in a photo but enhance the image.

Your views as the owner and custodian contribute to the picture.

Meaning the painting captures the essence of the place rather than just a representation of a building.

High Wick Manor Farm, The Berkshires, USA

Size: A2

Pen and Ink

Created: 2020

"I Love your gorgeous work!"

 - Susan Nicole Gibbs

Twinhouse Art Advisory, USA

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